
Guthrie's 04/17/09 photos & video

On Friday night, She Doesn't Like Guthries hosted a showing of the Neighbor By Neighbor documentary and performances afterward from soundtrack artists Big Blood (out of Portland) and Jessy Kendall & Denise Dill (out of Lewiston).

Jessy & Denise

Denise Dill & Sherie Blumenthal

Big Blood


New tracks from Jessy & Denise

Here are a couple new tracks that Jessy & Denise have been working on.


The bread makin' song (there is an actual title that I can't remember right now, and my disorganized self has already lost the track list Jessy gave me...):

The afore-mentioned name of Tight Like Flight is a work in progress at this point. It may change, so I'll be sure to update with a new name whenever it comes. A couple people have already asked about buying CDs; they don't have a CD out just yet, but they will, and I'll update when that's available.

Posting tomorrow: Pictures and video from the Neighbor By Neighbor showing & music at Guthrie's on Friday night.


Arborea nominated in Portland Phoenix! Vote!!

Arborea have been nominated for "Best Category Defying/Indie Outsider" in the Portland Phoenix!

Follow this link to vote for them! Remember after you vote, you also have to submit your ballot to make it official-like. ;-)


Letter Founder #57

The latest issue of Letter Founder is #57, and is available for freeeeee at a few select stores across Lewiston/Auburn. For more information about the 'zine, or any of the artists, please comment here or email Jessy at shirk@riseup.net

(Click this one for a larger, readable size)

Coming up this weekend!

The Neighbor By Neighbor/live music from the soundtrack showing is Friday night at 7:00 at She Doesn't Like Guthrie's (115 Middle St., Lewiston). Arborea, Big Blood, Tight Like Flight (the newly partnered duo of Jessy Kendall & Denise Dill...), will all be performing. Perhaps others that I haven't heard about, too, I'm not positive.

Arborea is also playing a show in Mass. this weekend, if you are down there or can get down there for Saturday night. Shanti & Buck will be playing at the Montague Bookmill on Saturday at 8:00pm, along with Nuda Veritas.

Coming soon (!) to the blog: one or two new tracks from Tight Like Flight, and bits n pieces from the newest Letter Founder.



Sat. 04/04/09 @ Holly's Own

This past Saturday, Holly's Own Deli in Auburn hosted a two and a half hour performance by Jan Mayes. Jan was also accompanied on several songs by Jessy on hand drums, and Jerry on guitar.

You can read more about Jan at her MySpace page here, where you'll also find future shows, more songs, photos, and a second video from Saturday's performance at Holly's Own.

(Photos & video taken by Grace)